About Gluten-Free Girl

Gluten-Free Girl is an comprehensive online resource dedicated to empowering individuals with celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, and anyone pursuing a gluten-free lifestyle. We focus primarily on the following areas Gluten-Free Facts, Gluten-Free Recipes, and Living with Celiac Disease, each designed to support and enrich the gluten-free community.

What is Gluten-Free Girl About?

Gluten Free Girl is about Gluten-Free Facts, Gluten-Free Recipes, and guides on Living with Celiac Disease. Together, these sections make Gluten-Free Girl a comprehensive guide for anyone on a gluten-free journey, blending factual information, practical strategies, and personal support to create a welcoming space for exploration, education, and encouragement in gluten-free living.

Gluten-Free Facts

This cornerstone of the site focuses on educating users about the intricacies of identifying gluten in various foods. It provides detailed guidance on recognizing hidden sources of gluten in processed foods, understanding food labels, and navigating grocery shopping to avoid gluten. This section is invaluable for those new to a gluten-free diet, offering clear, practical advice to make informed dietary choices and minimize the risk of accidental gluten exposure.

See more Gluten-Free Facts on Gluten-Free Girl.

Gluten-Free Recipes

A highlight of Gluten-Free Girl, this area offers a vast array of delicious, gluten-free recipes catering to diverse tastes and dietary needs. From simple, everyday meals to sophisticated culinary creations, each recipe ensures safety without sacrificing flavor. This segment is a testament to the website’s commitment to celebrating the joy of gluten-free cooking, encouraging users to explore new ingredients and techniques.

See more Gluten-Free Recipes on Gluten-Free Girl.

Living with Celiac Disease

Tailored to those diagnosed with celiac disease, this part addresses the broader lifestyle implications and emotional challenges of managing a chronic condition. It covers practical tips for avoiding cross-contamination, strategies for dining out safely, and advice for emotional well-being. Personal stories and insights offer a sense of community and support, highlighting the positive aspects of living with celiac disease.

History of Gluten-Free Girl

Gluten-Free Girl was founded by Shauna James Ahern in 2005.  Shauna started her journey into the gluten-free world following her diagnosis with celiac disease. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine, necessitating a strict gluten-free diet for those affected. After her diagnosis, Ahern, facing the need to drastically change her diet and lifestyle, turned to writing as a means to process her experience and share her journey with others. This led to the creation of her blog, Gluten-Free Girl.

The blog quickly grew from a personal diary into a comprehensive resource for gluten-free living. Ahern shared recipes, cooking tips, and reflections on living with celiac disease, creating a community for others navigating similar challenges. Her honest and engaging writing style, coupled with practical advice and delicious recipes, resonated with readers worldwide. Gluten-Free Girl became not just a blog but a movement towards embracing a gluten-free lifestyle positively and deliciously.

Ahern’s work on Gluten-Free Girl led to several opportunities, including the publication of cookbooks and collaborations with other food writers and chefs. Her books, such as “Gluten-Free Girl: How I Found the Food That Loves Me Back…And How You Can Too,” “Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef,” and “Gluten-Free Girl Every Day,” have been celebrated for their innovative recipes and approachable guidance on gluten-free cooking. Alongside her husband, Chef Daniel Ahern, Shauna has worked to demonstrate that gluten-free food can be just as rich, varied, and flavorful as any traditional cuisine.

Over the years, Gluten-Free Girl evolved to include not just recipes but also resources on gluten-free living, including guidance on navigating social situations, traveling while gluten-free, and managing celiac disease beyond the diet. Ahern’s advocacy and educational efforts have made a significant impact on the gluten-free community, offering support, inspiration, and a voice to those who often felt overlooked or limited by their dietary needs.

Read more about Shauna James Ahern.



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